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Welcome to the Save the Food California Ecochallenge

Food takes up more space in US landfills than anything else, but we’re going to change that. Join the Food California Ecochallenge, a statewide challenge to save food from going to waste, and learn ways to plan, shop, and cook that helps you get the most out of your food. In this challenge, you will be able to:

  • Track your food waste
  • Join a team
  • Share your progress
  • Earn Points
  • Win prizes

Saving food from going to waste is one of the most powerful actions you can take to save money, lower your climate change footprint, and enjoy fresher, tastier meals. Take the challenge today!

This program is funded by CalFresh Healthy Living.

Explore Challenges

Together, we're connecting the dots

The Save The Food California Ecochallenge is powered by the Ecochallenge Platform.

The Ecochallenge Platform is a signature offering of (formerly Northwest Earth Institute), a sustainability organization that provides innovative social and digital tools designed to be a launchpad for emerging generations and sustainability leaders to experience “ah-ha” moments that lead to extraordinary environmental and social change. also hosts the global People's Ecochallenge which is free and open to everyone, everywhere. Over 105,000 people from 101 countries have used the Ecochallenge Platform and the organization has engaged over 300,000 people throughout its 26-year history. The Ecochallenge Platform can also be used to create custom Challenges that meet the engagement and action goals of your workplace, college, or community.

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